Whether going alone, in a couple, a family or in a group, this is a lovely day out. If you want to stay over, accommodation is available and it’s dog friendly. In fact, dogs will be in heaven here, with the space for lots of walks off lead. Young children can be involved with the alpaca trekking using a paired rein with an experienced guide.
Alpacas are funny creatures. Curious, friendly and shy, all at the same time. They’re very happy to be led out onto a trek and follow your lead easily.

The Trek
Before setting off, there’s information and advice give out about how to walk the alpacas and hold the rein (not wrapped around your hand, just draped over in case yours bolts. Don’t worry if it does, they’re pack animals and will always come back to their friends), some interesting facts about the beasties, then off you go and lead your alpaca off to a lovely trek across a Peak District moor. Curious facts about the area and its history are given along the way. If you aren’t up for a long walk, experience days are available. There are also yoga sessions with a fully qualified teacher before you trek if you enjoy trying it out, or are an experienced practitioner (I’m definitely not).
If you happen to be taking Ronnie, the gentle giant of the group and also a bereavement therapy animal, be warned. He likes (make that insists) on stopping for a wee just inside the gate. Apparently it’s always the same place, and I discovered that alpacas pee for a very, very long time. Interesting facts about the area, landmarks and the beasties are provided on the trek. At the other side of the moor is a stop for refreshments, then back we go.
The alpacas get to decide whether to walk or not, so although there are 20 in total, not all will be trekking. There are some real characters amongst them, from the beautiful, gentle Ronnie, everyone’s favourite cheeky chap Hamish, to the gorgeous little minxes Esme and Elsey. Baby Douglas was born a few months ago and is the most adorable little lad. He’s always happy to make a new friend.
If you want something different, like the outdoors or are an animal lover, this is an experience not to miss.

Upcoming Events
Peaky Pacas are running an event this half term at Adam’s Happy Hens Farm Shop on Thursday 27th October. A very limited amount of tickets are still available here.
The alpacas will also be the stars of the show in the Alternative Alpaca Nativity at the Thornbridge Christmas market from the 18th – 20th November. Find out more information here. We’re looking forward to seeing them there!