It is with the deepest sadness and an extremely heavy heart, that we have to inform you that on Sunday 27th March, Amy passed away. There were no suspicious circumstances and from the information we have so far, it appears that she died peacefully in her sleep. We are devastated and haven’t really come to terms with this unexpected loss. She’d just got back from an amazing holiday and had had a fabulous night out with her closest friends. We know she spent her last days doing some of her most favourite things. We hope everyone remembers Amy with fond memories and celebrates the time she spent with them. She loved life and it loved her right back! She’ll be up there having new adventures and hope she’s loving it just as much!
Continuing her travels and memories
We hope to continue with The Travel Fairies Blog in Amy’s memory. We will post tips from our own travels and photos of places that we have visited. Amy’s work family will be taking a photograph of her, to take photos of their travels and we’ll be sharing these. Amy’s uni friend Callie will be taking the Keele ‘Squirrel Smith’ with her and sharing the photos of the two of them together on their travels. As a family, we hope to take her ashes on our travels so that she continues to travel the world with us.
Amy loved to travel the world, making many incredible memories, and we hope to continue this in her memory. Although some of the places may not be as far reached as some of the places Amy travelled to, she did enjoy to travel in the UK too. So we will continues to share tips and tricks from our staycations. We hope you continue to enjoy reading the blog that Amy so lovingly started and put together. We hope that you find something within the blog that will help you on your travels as Amy so enjoyed helping other travellers out as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and we wish you all the safest travels.

Oh I’m so sorry to hear this! She is gone way too soon. Sending you love in this difficult time.