Travel Tips

New Year, New View

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It’s almost the end of January. For most people that means they’ve already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions – eat better, go to the gym, travel more… Last week my fellow fairy wrote about why it’s good to make travel plans. This week I’m writing about how to make travel resolutions that are easy to keep.

Most people make resolutions to travel to specific places, or go to specific events. This is great but what people need to remember is that goals should be realistic. One of my goals for this year is to travel to Canada, however I also know I’ll struggle to get enough time off work to make this trip worth while. This is often why people give up on their resolutions fairly early on in the year; they’re not achievable and therefore what’s the point? This post will hopefully give you some ideas of less specific but hopefully more achievable resolutions.

  1. Do something you enjoy.

This may seem self explanatory, why would you go on holiday to have a bad time? However a lot of people, especially those who travel with others, will often go places or do things they are expected to do, or think they should do, without much consideration of what they’ll enjoy doing. For me, I enjoy quiet time when I’m on holiday, time to relax and slow down. I read lots of books and watch movies, this may seem like a waste of a trip however that is what I enjoy and I therefore enjoy my holidays. Set time aside to do something you really want to do. If you only go on one holiday this year, make sure it’s somewhere you want to go, and do things you’ll enjoy. 4F50FE82-EF4E-41DF-9593-1B1A4EC91789.jpeg

  1. Discover something new.

Find something interesting in the place you’re visiting. This could be something you’ve always dreamt of seeing or something you’ve recently read about but want to see. Or maybe it’s something you try and find in every country you visit, or something to add to a collection. I collect sand from beaches I visit. I also try and find book exchanges, sometimes finding them by accident! If you can find something of interest to you every where you go, every trip will be worth something. You also might find amazing things you would never have thought to look for by just going with the usual tourist traps.A968780D-EEEA-41E3-9788-FAFB52A3E71C.jpeg

  1. Make the most of every trip.

Lots of trips can serve multiple purposes, so make sure you wring out as much as you can from every holiday – especially if you don’t often get to go away. On our trip to Disneyland Paris, Lucy and I stayed in the Western-themed hotel, Hotel Cheyenne. I loved everything about Disney and it was one of my best holidays last year, but an extra bonus was the hotel. One of the cabins in the Hotel was called ‘Doc Holliday’ – a well-known old Western character. Doc Holliday is also a character in the new series Wynonna Earp, of which I am a big fan. It was good fun to add this extra to an already great holiday.734BC10B-46FA-42B5-94F4-A6E9C89C8780.jpeg

  1. Go on an adventure.

Not everyone is the adventurous type, however everyone can decide what they consider an adventure. My adventures tend not to be as adrenaline-fuelled as Amy’s, I like to find somewhere quiet and undisturbed, somewhere you’d find in books. Finding places like this that look like it could be the end of the world.BD19FBDA-9B29-43BE-A40B-9A4B528E7CE2.jpeg

  1. Be yourself.

This seems like a redundant point, who else would you be? But make sure you remain true to yourself wherever you may be.C00FAE62-96EB-4DD8-8978-F632CD8E60D6.jpeg

I hope this help, and you have many amazing travels over the coming year.


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